Music lulls world-wearied hearts
Into distilled serenity, having no bounds
But the confines of imagination.
Music declares more profoundly than words
Unspeakable depths of feeling,
Rendering truth in every passing bar.
Music lives fleetingly,
Suspended form in time and space,
Yet it is eternal.
Music- ancient as the history of Mankind,
Pristine as a newborn baby,
Outlasting ravages of time, enduring.
~ Charles Moss
From the composer:
"This piece matches well with my two other choral pieces set to text about music - 'Upon Hearing a Symphony of Beethoven' by Edna St. Vincent Millay and 'The Investment' by Robert Frost. What really appealed to me about this one was how much aural imagery is present in the text, which allowed for a creative use of sound. As it says, music has no bounds 'but the confines of the imagination' - which itself has no bounds."